Germany & UK
Mobile & Web Platform
Key Takeaways
The idea
re.flex is the most accurate digital assistant for MSK physical therapy on the market. It helps you treat your knee, hip, and lower back pain effectively and lasting, using validated exercise protocols.
This is the first Romanian DiGA certified product.
With 2 motion sensors and a 2-3 month digital training program as a patient you are guaranteed to ensure an improved exercise control throughout your physical therapy journey.
The patented sensor technology specially developed for exercise therapy enables meticulously precise recording of your movements and provides you with almost instantaneous feedback on the quality and quantity of your movements.
The movement visualization sequences are shown in real-time as 3D animation in the re.flex app. The 2-sensor technology ensures reliable angle measurement.
- as they state on their official website.
Industry and Country
Health | Romanian based, available in the UK and Germany
The process
Services provided
- Web Development
- Backend Development
Phase I
Deblocking re.flex’s clinical trial
The challenge
Given the health domain of the app, product security and stability are the highest priority.
Initially, re.flex needed support in order to pass a pen test they previously struggled with.
What is a pen test? It’s a security exercise where a cyber-security expert attempts to find and exploit vulnerabilities in a computer system.
Without passing this test, they could not move to the next level for their product - completing a clinical trial.
At the same time, for the clinical trial to be completed, a certain number of patients were mandatory to participate.
To reach a sufficient number of patients, they needed to expand their presence on Android App Stores. And fast.
And this is when they brought us on.
Linnify’s team composition
Darius Bogdan - Software Architect
Vasile Coman - Backend Engineer
Diana Dobocan - Backend Engineer
‘The re.flex team has been truly open from the beginning. The fact that they’ve acknowledged our expertise and created space for us to communicate efficiently has definitely proved their trust in us and their objective perspective on their product’s needs.’ - Darius Bogdan, Software Architect, Linnify
Phase II
Upgrading with clarity, structure, and user-centric features
After deblocking their clinical trial, it was time to move forward towards checking in with their users.
We’ve helped integrate new functionalities such as Customer Satisfaction Rate, Feedback, and others.
In the meantime
Given our characteristic way of working, together with the re.flex team, we agreed on starting rounds of code refactoring and migrating from JavaScript to TypeScript.
Here at Linnify, we make it our priority to create clean structured, and scalable code. This is why we constantly expand our Boilerplates and Styleguides Library.
The reason behind this decision focused on improving the app structure in order to become more performant and maintainable. This migration implied using the best industry practices at the time with a clear effect:
a clearly defined style guide that improves developer experience and makes it easy for new developers who are to join the team in the future.
But well-structured code wasn’t the only exciting thing here. The way our collaboration model worked was definitely motivating.
Collaboration steps
1. Direction proposal and agreements
2. Informational documentation including
- both the pluses and the minuses of the approach,
- timeline,
- impact.
3. Clarifications and Risk Mitigation with the CTO.
The iterative and clear way of this collaboration model we’ve commonly established worked well for this product.
Phase III
Continuous Support and Maintenance and creation of new functionalities
Going beyond Support and Maintenance of the current development progress made with re.flex, this phase, currently ongoing, has an exciting feature – the generation of Training Reports.
From a tech standpoint, Training Reports are PDFs generated up-to-date with the entire journey of the user, from the very beginning of their training.
From a user perspective, these reports are not only enjoyable to generate, but also give them a clear situation of their progress, allowing them to create a more personal bond with the app.
‘We tried intermediary solutions to fix certain challenges we’ve encountered. But we were done with half measures. This is why when Linnify approached us proactively with solutions that better our product we realised that’s exactly the type of collaboration we wanted for re.flex. We realized we do not have the know-how Darius has and this is why we built this collab based on expertise trust.’ - Andrei, CTO, re.flex
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