Key Takeaways
Still looking for that edgy-tech yet personal and visionary internship? As promised, we now bring to you some real Linnifian insights of last year’s interns of the Digital Transcendence. This is an official invitation to the fifth testimonial of the series, or as we like to call it: Trust a Linnifian.
Today’s Linnifian is Seba, a very special and aware person, introducing us to what the internship meant for him as an experience-adventurer kind of guy.
Note 1: The personal journeys are soon to come to an end.
Note 2: But not with this one.
‘When I was a teenager, I used to take the train to random destinations and discover places that are deemed ordinary by the books and standards of all sorts, but I really found my little hazardous and unnecessary commutes rather fun.
The reason I had to mention this in an article where I want to talk about my experience as an intern at Linnify is that in a way you might find hard to grasp, the feelings and the rush I would get when traveling as a younger man came back in a very unexpected place and time for me.’
‘I was beginning my internship at Linnify and I was already aware that I was in a very special situation.’
What triggered you to ‘just know’ this internship was something special?
‘First of all, it was the people.
My fellow interns were all so different and full of surprises and the rest of the Linnify team reminded me of a large group of friends that could somehow create together and develop their ideas into reality.
That was such a great discovery for me. Just like my hobby of finding new places in my train travels, people from the outside would think it is so unlikely to find something spectacular within a train station, or in this case, at an IT company.’
‘To that, I have to say: you must live it to believe it.’
What self-discoveries worth mentioning would you like to share with the future Linnifians?
‘I was (spoiler alert: and still am) part of the Mobile Development team.
The whole experience was revelatory to me: I realized I am passionate about creating products that you can see on your phone, that can be there with you at all times.’
‘But, the real game-changer, feeling-wise, was the process of satisfying the deep need we all share: to create something meaningful to the world.’
‘I am glad and grateful I have found my way of doing this at such a young age and I know for a fact that the internship has played a huge role in this.'
Got proof?
‘Do you need any proof?
I am here to say that:
- my technical skills have reached levels I didn’t even know I was capable of,
- I have made friends for life (I hope they love me just as much as I love them),
- I felt inspired and encouraged to be myself, to make my own kind of jokes, to manifest my own personality.’
'This kind of freedom of being was something I was only able to experience when traveling incognito to all these unknown places, but now I can safely say I have this freedom at my workplace.’
‘I know I am privileged but I assure you I never take not even a day spent at the office for granted.
This being said, I want to encourage everyone reading this to apply to this year’s internship program, where the Digital Transcendence becomes complete.’
Now back to our full-stack internship. Are you ready?
Let us now dare you to evolve with us. Now you know that this is more than just an internship. It is established as a two-act experience that will change your thinking. It’s a dare to innovate, to simplify life.
We found out you're looking for us, and we knew there’s only one thing to do: an official invitation to embark on the new Full Digital Transcendence, this year’s Linnify internship opportunity.
Our digital projects focus on simplifying users' experiences in Health, Wellbeing, Education, and other Life sciences. So, if you dare to fully transcend your experiences, if you dream about making a change if you are mad about coding and see beyond it, just push play.
With around 500 aspiring candidates per year, we started to better manage the difficult task of picking the ones who resonate most with our values. For over the eight weeks, the interns at Linnify are not only invited to become part of the team but to also have a taste of what it’s like to authentically own your growth and become confident in the future you envision.
At the end of your Full Digital Transcendence internship, you will have a better understanding of three key digital characteristics:
- How to create software products fit for a market.
- What makes a product design attractive and engaging.
- How to express a vision into a digital product through front and backend.
As you probably guessed by now, you brainiac, this year we go full-stacked. Front-end: Angular/Typescript, backend: Python/ NodeJS and cloud: Google Cloud.
The first act of the internship consists of three weeks of mentored learning: getting to know the technologies, to then be able to move to the five-week second act: coding on a project.
Create an account and submit your application by the 7th of June.
Stay tuned for more insights.
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