Key Takeaways
Still looking for that edgy-tech yet personal and visionary internship? As promised, we now bring to you some real Linnifian insights of last year’s interns of the Digital Transcendence. This is an official invitation to the first testimonial of the series, or as we like to call it: Trust a Linnifian.
Today’s Linnfian to trust is Iulia Muresan. Keep on reading to better understand her internal fight.
Note 1: Remember how we said we might be able to help you get to know these amazing people?
Note 2: This is only the beginning.
'In the year of the pandemic, after a long time of relocating to my hometown, living with my parents again, I was beginning to consider looking for something to do. I had been waiting for the right time to try out for a summer internship, but the odds were very much against me with companies shutting down their programs, restrictions being harsher and harsher, all these things that just felt wrong in a time when I needed everything to feel right.
Do you believe in magic?
I believe in the butterfly effect.
Strange transition, but bear with me. It might sound childish, but I am a strong believer that we are a sum of moments that happen in a sort of a domino order, sometimes even inexplicable and almost always surprising. Maybe this is just my choice to view the world as something spectacular, or the way I pat myself on the shoulder.
Nonetheless, my experience with Linnify reinforced my belief in magic, even though some might say magic can’t be found among computers, algorithms, and whiteboards. I am here to say that it most definitely can.
First of all, the mere fact that I found Linnify, was the beginning of that butterfly slowly tapping its wings like in a David Attenborough nature documentary. It’s a story about meeting the right person, at the right time, a story I will always be thankful for.
How did it all start?
It took some courage and a strong push from behind from another one of those right people I have close to me and to the universe of Linnify, for me to take the admission test. I took the test. It went well. I had the interview. It went well. I got the phone call. It was good news. I don’t know what kind of wings my butterfly has, but I must assume they are of the lucky bunch.
The internship itself was a time when I felt grateful for everything happening to me. It was all this kindness and acceptance and appreciation I was feeling from a bunch of people that run this company together, the best way they find fit.
It was inspiring to watch the gameplay unfold, to see how every single one of them was putting heart and soul into creating something they believe in.
Plan A versus Plan B. Which one is your favorite?
I was thinking of that question people would ask you when you were a child/ teenager “what do you want to be when you grow up?” and I was wondering why they stop asking that once you’ve gone to college and enter the workforce.
I was putting so much thought into the meaning behind that question. It must have been the environment I had found myself in. An environment that allowed me to try out for something I was insecure about, meaning being a developer.
As someone who likes and thinks about writing, but always stopped this urge by eating something sweet, hoping that it will go away, I needed the experience at Linnify. Why? I thought I had to pursue plan A, with no option to return. Linnify proved me wrong.
Back to the internship times when I was on the verge of becoming a mobile developer, even though my gut feeling was telling me something else. In fact, I had learned so much about this profession and was able to put my newly acquired skills to the test on so many occasions during only six weeks.
What made the difference in owning your journey?
It is unbelievable that I, out of everyone, was able to go so far into it as I did thanks to Linnify. Looking back, it seems surreal that once there lived that version of me which in a way, was a way better version of myself than pre-internship.
My mentors were fully dedicated, my colleagues so passionate, the project so challenging. The work environment is completely free of the 9 to 5 stereotypes that Dolly sings about, instead, it’s this place where people encourage and nourish creativity and work on developing a vision before anything else.
I could go on ranting about all the ways my summer internship was such a great experience, but I’d rather talk about one last thing.
Going back to the question about becoming someone as a grown-up and how people stop asking you that. People at Linnify never ever stop asking this vital question. This is how I started working in marketing, discovering I have skills and passions I was unaware of before. I feel this speaks volumes about the work ethics and the organizational culture of Linnify.
No matter what happens to my unexpected future made up of unexpected butterfly wing taps, domino pieces falling onto each other, and whatnot, I will always think about the team at Linnify and how they can create this beautiful thing for themselves, for whoever wants to join them on their journey towards simplifying life through innovation and for the people at the receiving end of the wonderful products they develop.
This was my rather long way of saying that no matter what you want to become as a grown-up, you should join a community like Linnify and see for yourself how authenticity, unity, and vision can go a very, trust me, very long way.'
Now back to our full-stack internship. Are you ready?
Let us now dare you to evolve with us. Now you know that this is more than just an internship. It is established as a two-act experience that will change your thinking. It’s a dare to innovate, to simplify life.
We found out you're looking for us, and we knew there’s only one thing to do: an official invitation to embark on the new Full Digital Transcendence, this year’s Linnify internship opportunity.
Our digital projects focus on simplifying users' experiences in Health, Wellbeing, Education, and other Life sciences. So, if you dare to fully transcend your experiences, if you dream about making a change if you are mad about coding and see beyond it, just push play.
With around 500 aspiring candidates per year, we started to better manage the difficult task of picking the ones who resonate most with our values. For over the eight weeks, the interns at Linnify are not only invited to become part of the team but to also have a taste of what it’s like to authentically own your growth and become confident in the future you envision.
At the end of your Full Digital Transcendence internship, you will have a better understanding of three key digital characteristics:
- How to create software products fit for a market.
- What makes a product design attractive and engaging.
- How to express a vision into a digital product through front and backend.
As you probably guessed by now, you brainiac, this year we go full-stacked. Front-end: Angular/Typescript, backend: Python/ NodeJS and cloud: Google Cloud.
The first act of the internship consists of three weeks of mentored learning: getting to know the technologies, to then be able to move to the five-week second act: coding on a project.
Create an account and submit your application by the 31st of May.
Stay tuned for more insights.
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