Key Takeaways
A fundamental success factor of teams is a three-syllable word: ‘to-ge-ther’. The word in itself conveys team spirit and unity. Business organizations are very much like sports teams, as there is one common goal and a constant journey that team members are all part of.
A team can only truly shine when the combination of skills and perspectives present in each of the team members is put into light by unity as a defining core value for the team. From having different opinions, different work experiences, and different takes on a certain topic, a single person’s idea can be made so much better with additional insight. An old saying used to say 'unity is when intelligence meets integrity'; and we couldn’t agree more.

Team spirit
Of course, team spirit often produces a healthy dose of friendly competition. It's not that each individual is trying to outdo their colleagues, but the group will constantly contribute to the overall success of the company, as the Linnifians work assiduously to avoid holding the team back.
At the same time, innate trust in a colleague’s abilities enables one to concentrate with no interruptions on certain tasks and responsibilities. Knowing there is someone to back you up, give you helpful new ideas or even give you a perspective you didn’t think of is an incredibly important part of a healthy, united team.

We have mentioned in the previous article that the core values of Linnify are authenticity, unity, and vision. We cannot emphasize enough how important unity is in order to bind authenticity to vision.
On a personal level, authenticity enables you to share your true self through your work and through your way of being while vision provides a goal to be working for. Unity, however, enhances the strength of diversity by bringing all different pieces into one place. Put simply, we can achieve more together than alone. And our vision gets stronger.
Unity helps us tell the same story, using different words. We’re incredibly excited to read the next chapter of our story of innovation, together.
Here's to an incredible 2019, an exciting 2020, and incredible stories that authenticity, unity, and vision will tell in the future.
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