The second episode of ‘Trust a Linnifian’ is now on (digital) air. Today’s brainiac featured is Victor Pădurean, a former intern, now a full-time Linnifian. If you share the lone-wolf gene with Victor, keep on reading to see how teamwork feels for him here. We value people for who they are. Perhaps you’d like to tell us who you are.
Still, looking for that edgy-tech yet personal and visionary internship? As promised, we now bring to you some real Linnifian insights of last year’s interns of the Digital Transcendence. This is an official invitation to the first testimonial of the series, or as we like to call it: Trust a Linnifian.
Today's Linnifian is Victor Pădurean. He undoubtedly verifies all the fields of vision, authenticity, and unity. Hear more about his early-adopter decision-making approach to life.
Note: Getting to know the insights of your fellows' journey keeps getting better.
'I have always loved the direction I chose as a young man, that of studying Computer Science Engineering. I love learning. I love daydreaming and imagining alternative futures where technology becomes bigger and better. But out of all the things that define me, I have to say that learning is probably the one I enjoy the most. Anyways, this was my way of introducing myself/ breaking the ice/ saying hi.'
How to perpetually update your sense of life
'We live in a world that looks very made up, labeled, and directed, and there comes a time, sooner or later, in everybody’s life, when we stop and try to make some sense out of it.'
I have found great sense in learning, it gives me purpose and something to perpetually aspire to, reach, distance myself from, and then repeat the cycle.
'Last year I was one of the six interns in the Linnify Digital Transcendence six-week internship program.
The six of us were very different and very much alike at the same time. So, the experiences we’ve had were just the same.
They were different in the sense that we each grew in our own rhythm and in ways that are specific to our personalities.'
Are you a lone-wolf or a natural team player?
'I enjoyed learning a new technology, but to me, the real personal challenge was working in a team, collaborating, and communicating my needs.
I am known to be a lone wolf and I tend to be in my head a lot, but Linnify has shown me a place where being part of a team did not require a big set of rules, but instead it felt natural.'
It felt like just being myself and saying the things that are in my mind were enough.
'As a thing that all six of us share, regarding the internship, I would have to say we all felt like belonging.
The collaboration was so strong and the results of our work were astonishing, even to me and I am known to be a harsh critic. We were doing plans that seemed impossible. Then, we would start working and every piece of the puzzle would fall into place. The small contributions would form a whole that did correspond to the expectations we were setting up for ourselves. This can give you a great sense of accomplishment. You feel like you are doing something meaningful. And doing something with meaning is the essence of our lives. So I like to think.'
A few takeaway words for the future Linnifians in the making?
'To put it briefly, I believe the six weeks I spent as an intern were like a fractal of the complete picture of reality. I received a great deal of information, started new friendships and I found myself on a journey of self-discovery. There are so many other things I could talk about, but I want to challenge you, as a future intern, to discover for yourself. Surprise is a big part that makes this journey amazing.'
‘Let's get back to the present. Today I am a Data Scientist at Linnify. My job involves a lot of research and it fits me perfectly. This is the 'dream land' of an introvert.
If you want to find yourself while building your career, I have good news for you: Linnify is doing an internship program this year as well. Have a peek below.'
Now back to our full-stack internship. Are you ready?
Let us now dare you to evolve with us. Now you know that this is more than just an internship. It is established as a two-act experience that will change your thinking. It’s a dare to innovate, to simplify life.
We found out you're looking for us, and we knew there’s only one thing to do: an official invitation to embark on the new Full Digital Transcendence, this year’s Linnify internship opportunity.
Our digital projects focus on simplifying users' experiences in Health, Wellbeing, Education, and other Life sciences. So, if you dare to fully transcend your experiences, if you dream about making a change, if you are mad about coding and see beyond it, just push play.
With around 500 aspiring candidates per year, we started to better manage the difficult task of picking the ones who resonate most with our values. For over the eight weeks, the interns at Linnify are not only invited to become part of the team but to also have a taste of what it’s like to authentically own your growth and become confident in the future you envision.
At the end of your Full Digital Transcendence internship, you will have a better understanding of three key digital characteristics:
- How to create software products fit for a market.
- What makes a product design attractive and engaging.
- How to express a vision into a digital product through front and backend.
As you probably guessed by now, you brainiac, this year we go full-stacked. Front-end: Angular/Typescript, backend: Python/ NodeJS and cloud: Google Cloud.
The first act of the internship consists of three weeks of mentored learning: getting to know the technologies, to then be able to move to the five-week second act: coding on a project.
Create an account and submit your application by the 31st of May.
Stay tuned for more insights.
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