Key Takeaways
Still looking for that edgy-tech yet personal and visionary internship? As promised, we now bring to you some real Linnifian insights of last year’s interns of the Digital Transcendence. This is an official invitation to the fourth testimonial of the series, or as we like to call it: Trust a Linnifian.
Today’s Linnifian is Bianca Mateiu, a compassionate person who learned that trusting your gut feeling and believing in yourself represent the key to achieving your goals.
Note 1: The deadline is getting closer.
Note 2: Our interns are even closer to you now.
How did your journey begin?
'I look at the calendar and I am in awe at the thought that just over a year ago I was preparing to take the admission test for the Digital Transcendence Internship at Linnify.
I was genuinely nervous because I really wanted to get in, unlike other past experiences, Linnify was something I was looking forward to right before actually experiencing it, just because I had met a Linnifian who spoke with such enthusiasm about working there.'
'I had never met someone so over the moon excited about working and all the good words that were said about the team intrigued me. I understood that this was not just any kind of IT company.'
How did that make you feel?
'Well, I don’t want my life, be it the professional life, to be any kind of life, so I thought to myself "this must be <it>". I was nervous about the test, then I was nervous about the interview, I was extra nervous on my first day at the office and then I was just happy and grateful non-stop for 6 weeks on.'
Did it feel as fine as a complex yet bug-free program?
'Well, that's indeed one way to say it.
I was part of the Web Development team. Actually, I felt like every intern fell into the team that was the best fit for everyone and this happened after just one introductory week. We had to split into three teams: web, backend, and mobile.
I was sure we would argue about which of us goes where but after that one week of courses and the six of us getting to know each other, even splitting into the three teams was easy.'
'The following weeks were the proof that we were where we were supposed to be.'
'That was a mouthful, but in reality, it was a case of "everything is going according to plan". In six weeks I had majorly improved my technical, communication, organizational, and life-in-general skills. And I will forever be thankful for that.'
How do you see your workplace now?
'This article would not be an article written by me if I didn’t mention all the team and office life aspects.
Firstly I have to say it fits me like a glove and if you are someone who cares about people and needs creative space to be productive, then you are the other hand the Linnify glove will perfectly fit.
Secondly, unity is one of the three core values of this organization. And we mean it.
Now of course last but not least, we do know how to have fun when the right time to have fun comes.'
Ready to get a boost in terms of believing in yourself?
'I would like to end my testimonial with a few words to those that identify with how I was feeling when I was a little younger, only starting my technical studies: I was feeling insecure, confused, and in need of feeling like part of something great, something that I believed in.'
'I want all of you to know that you will find it. I found it at Linnify.'
'I recommend you try out our internship program this year. I want to meet you and share with you all the joy and passion that I have, not just for writing code, but also for our mission here at Linnify.
And to not forget mentioning: I am still part of the Web Development team and I don’t see this changing any time soon.'
Now back to our full-stack internship
Let us now dare you to evolve with us. Now you know that this is more than just an internship. It is established as a two-act experience that will change your thinking. It’s a dare to innovate, to simplify life.
We found out you're looking for us, and we knew there’s only one thing to do: an official invitation to embark on the new Full Digital Transcendence, this year’s Linnify internship opportunity.
Our digital projects focus on simplifying users' experiences in Health, Wellbeing, Education, and other Life sciences. So, if you dare to fully transcend your experiences, if you dream about making a change if you are mad about coding and see beyond it, just push play.
With around 500 aspiring candidates per year, we started to better manage the difficult task of picking the ones who resonate most with our values. For over the eight weeks, the interns at Linnify are not only invited to become part of the team but to also have a taste of what it’s like to authentically own your growth and become confident in the future you envision.
At the end of your Full Digital Transcendence internship, you will have a better understanding of three key digital characteristics:
- How to create software products fit for a market.
- What makes a product design attractive and engaging.
- How to express a vision into a digital product through frontend and backend.
As you probably guessed by now, you brainiac, this year we go full-stacked. Front-end: Angular/Typescript, backend: Python/ NodeJS and cloud: Google Cloud.
The first act of the internship consists of three weeks of mentored learning: getting to know the technologies, to then be able to move to the five-week second act: coding on a project.
Create an account and submit your application by the 31st of May.
Stay tuned for more insights.
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