Key Takeaways
As promised, we kept on bringing to you real Linnifian insights of last year’s interns of the Digital Transcendence. This is an official invitation to the last testimonial of the series, or as we like to call it: Trust a Linnifian.
Today’s Linnifian is Adrian, ending the insightful articles series with a soulful approach to what the internship meant for him.
Note 1: This is the last testimonial of the series. Enjoy it while you can.
Note 2: Thank you for all the strong applications.
What’s your side of the story, Adi?
'I am not an extrovert. I talk little, but I try to do a lot. I guess that would make me a doer, one that sometimes is misunderstood because I might come off as a tough-looking guy.'
‘I don’t know how judgy our world is, but I have reasons to believe I was very lucky to start an internship program in a place like Linnify.’
'I became part of the Backend Team. I learned so much over a period of six weeks (and I still am learning as I'm now working here) in terms of technologies, communication, and working in a team.
One thing I must mention: I've learned so much about myself, what I am capable of and what are the things I have to improve on.'
What fueled your self-discovery at Linnify?
'I loved that for the duration of the entire internship program we would have feedback sessions where we would all put things into perspective.
By doing retrospection, as well as introspection, we gained clarity.'
'We had the freedom and responsibility to gain ownership on the matters we still needed to work on, while becoming proud of ourselves for what we accomplished.'
'This helped me assess and reassess my approach on a weekly basis, which showed me just how flexible and adaptable I can be, without making any compromises.'
How did you feel about the unity?
'Regarding the team, I can only say that the people I met at Linnify are an amalgamation of unique personalities that peacefully coexist and create together. I feel like, especially in business, it’s easy to form stereotypes and preconceived opinions about people.'
'Linnify broke all those walls for me and made me understand that I am witnessing the reshaping of the tech industry and of what a workplace means in our times.'
'I am grateful for this opportunity and I hope as many young people get to start their careers like I did because it feels really motivating and freeing.'
What’s your favorite part?
'What do I love the most? Being a Developer at Linnify.'
'I love my job and how it makes me feel.'
'The project we were working on during the internship was very complex and to this day I look at it as one of the most challenging projects in my career so far. It still serves me as inspiration or as a form of self-advice, if you will, anytime I find myself blocked in my work.'
‘I think this should be the purpose of an internship since it is one of the few times where you can take some time to explore in-depth what your skills are, what your work looks like.’
'I look at every line of code as if it were the reverberation of a pebble thrown in the water. It can be small, or wide, but however, it might look like this reverberation has an effect.'
'I believe that my work has an effect, so I do it with passion and thankfully in a team where we support one another to reach our mutual goals.'
'If any of the things I wrote have sparked your interest, then let’s meet. Good luck!'
Now back to our full-stack internship.
We dared you to evolve with us. And you did.
We are grateful for all of you who had the courage to do so.
Today we officially announce that the Full Digital Transcendence, this year’s internship at Linnify, has closed its gates. Thank you everyone for submitting your applications.
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